Συλλογή: Alpha α 1993 Συλλογή Ανδρικών Μηχανικών-Χαλαζία Ρολογιών

A Brand with a lot of history , ALPHA WRISTWATCHES Apha Watches International SA is a manufacturer of wrist watches based in Alpha Watches International SA is a manufacturer of wrist watches by ALPHA - SCHWARTZ Etienne fabrique d’Horlogerie based in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. The company was founded in 1883 with qualified manufactures, the Association started to develop its own calibres and to enlarge its distribution network but the company when bankrupt in 1960's when swiss watch industries badly affected by Japan Quartz flooded the international market.

The brand Alpha then bought by China Company based in Hong Kong, in 1993 it started to produce wrist watch under the new brand Alpha α 1993 , Watches that are inspired by European Market but Also Producing their Own Designs as Most manufacturers do our Days .